Sunday, February 17, 2008

today's websites

Today I decided to try a few new blogs and websites. I started by hitting the "next" button above and came to the following sites. - I like looking at old photos from time to time. Time to time is the operative phrase. I do not think I would ever spend time to scan in daily pictures of my family. If I do please, please torture me, like these people have done to me. - I'll start off with the positive. They are based out of MD. The bad. Does this state benefit from your quilt sales. I hope you charge a sales tax. I can appreciate good artwork, but quilting is just not my thing.

Beth's Quilts reminded me of some excellent art that I saw yesterday at zyzyx, a pseudo Judaica store. They sell a significant amount of Judaica goods, but what Judaica store is open on Saturday? They have a great collection of excellent works, but some items are a bit pricey. It was not unusual to see items marked for $1500 or more. My friend spotted a nice piece, but realized he could go online for it. Of course I have tried two other sites, but I'm pretty confident that these two are not what I'm looking for: and - This really may be the worst website I have ever encountered. There is nothing worse then computer gibberish. - This has the ability to be a great blog. I give them props for nice pictures, but being in a foreign language that I don't understand puts a hamper on things.

Now to some real news from the Washington Post, Seansramblings favorite newspaper. Did you know that Kosovo declared their independence? You do now.

So much for clicking the "next blog" link for today. I've decided to close up shop for today so that I can move to letter "N" in my ongoing quest for wedding songs. I"m still taking nominations and will update all my viewers soon with my current list.

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