Saturday, February 23, 2008

Mmm.... smells so good

While I am not perfect, I try my best to give back to the environment. I recycle, I love nature, and being outside. I love watching the birds fly, the squirrels eat their acorns and other assorted animals do their thing. Watching dogs play with dogs and cats with cats is fascinating and something I can spend long periods of time admiring. Naturally, my mind does wonder from time to time, particularly when animals do the things they do. Dogs and cats bark and meow respectively when they want fed or hear strange noises. I’ve read books and articles about the “non-verbal” communication of pets as well. This is probably where you are

beginning to say this dude is strange. However, did you know that certain animals circle around the spot they lie down in? A cat wants to play or hunt when their tail is curled. Did you know that? Did you know that dogs want to play and are happy when their tails are wagging or a cat is happy when they rub against your legs? A dog probably wants to go for a walk when they push their nose to a leash or scratch the door with their paw. Ok so those are simple things, but it is certainly “non-verbal communication”.

Why am I talking about “non-verbal” communication of animals? Well I am hanging out at my parent’s house. Growing up I had some great dogs and cats. They generally coexisted with each other; they did not have any major issues sharing a bed with each other, which was cute. Franco, the dog, and Taylor the cat seem to get along well with each other.

However their recent behavior is a bit disturbing. For example, last night the dog and cat had a “stare down”. Taylor patrolled the bottom of the steps while Franco patrolled the top daring each other to try and pass each other. Of course Taylor woke me up this morning doing her usual "plastic bag lick". Taylor has mastered the art of licking a plastic bag non-stop until you feed her. Trust me it works. Taylor licks alot of other things as well, but I would stop short of calling her a "window licker". Taylor is a little odd and licks plastic bags as well as furniture, but truthfully, I compare her to that kid in junior high school who has not figured out that picking your nose in public is simply not acceptable. Earlier today they chased each other around the house, but I guess that is to be expected. However when I came home this evening, I noticed Taylor slowly approach Franco to sniff his ass. Franco naturally slowly trotted away and several minutes later returned the favor by sniffing Taylor’s ass. Truthfully I really have no idea what the meaning of the “friendly” ass-sniffing contest is, but it did make me ponder life as a pet. I do not have many things to translate, but here are a few things I have translated from the pet world to what it would mean in the human world.

Pet world VS Human world

Sniffing the ass of another pet (pet behavior) = this is the friendly handshake, which says “I haven’t seen you in a while, but it is real nice to see you. We should hang out like the good old days.” (Human behavior).

I need to piss near every street sign (Pet behavior) = “I am a gangster/town idiot teen who finds it necessary to put my ‘tag’ (spray painting) up so that every fool thinks I am the big man around town” (Human behavior).

The slight tilt of the face (pet behavior) = “I am so cute. You wouldn’t really do that to me would you?”

Leg lift pee (pet behavior) = “Wanna see how big it is!”

The cat licking his paw and rubbing himself (pet behavior) = “I’m showering, quit looking at me.”

Licking my privates (pet behavior) = Truthfully, this is too graphic to really go into. Use your imagination for that one. I will say though that I had a friend told me that if he had the ability to lick his crotch , he would never leave the house.

If you want more information on pet behaviors or photos you can check the following links. - I can’t believe this site exists, the much more practical or here for rolf hicker's photos.


wildnis said...

it would be great if you link to the website from the photographers which own the pictures you are using.
The lab-dog was photographed by Rolf Hicker. Here are more of his dog pictures.

Mystery Man said...


I fixed the error. Please visit Rolf's website for more animal pictures.