Sunday, February 10, 2008

Toast and the wedding songs

I know that I haven't written in several days. I have been quite busy. I am slowly moving along my list of cds trying desperately for songs to played at my upcoming wedding. However I have less then a 15 minute commute to my job as a professional pain in the ass so that is not really allowing me to listen to tons of cds. In addition I still feel the obligation to keep up with the modern music scene. As a result I am currently listening to Nora Jones' "come away with me" and have the remainder of the alphabet to sift through. I am still holding out to the idea I will be able to listen to every track of every cd, tape, and record that I own, but I am slowly coming to the conclusion that it is unlikely. That said I will simply expand that project until I complete it.

On another note I had the pleasure of reffing some quality indoor soccer games yesterday. Quality is said as an understatement. I you already know I hate indoor soccer, but definately do it for the money. I couldn't help but to laugh almost non stop during this game during this high school coed game. Toast won this game 11-2. Toast you wonder? Yes fully equipped with t-shirts (uniforms) that pictured a toaster up in flames. A burning toaster is not exactly funny, but was certainly comical during my days at the University of Rhode Island, where I swear there was a buring toaster in the cafeteria at least once a month during my college career. Hey it that is where it stopped I could have stopped myself from laughing for a full 48 minute game. They came with their mascot, a young gentlemen who wore 2 body-sized pieces of toast draped over his shoulders and performed a half-time show by "racing" the remote controlled car/toaster. What exactly is a remote controlled car/toaster? Simple a remote controlled car, who was stripped of the plastic car and had a toaster placed on top of it. It was certainly a nice, fun way of being goofy. I have done games where kids are "jokers" in the past, however they usually have sexual references to them such as "renob", "69", etc. I haven't seen such creativity out of a team since my intramural college days when I was playing (and managing) the angry dwarfs soccer teams or the platypus junkies basketball teams.

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