Thursday, January 31, 2008

Online Commercials

Regardless of the reason there are often nights where I do get to see the friendly face of Brian Williams. Say what you want about the NBC Nightly news, but I do find them to be a reputable source for news. I am not opposed to Kate Couric or Charles Gibson, in fact I used to like Charles Gibson when he had his morning gig. However I remain fixed on Nightly News with Brian Williams.

I am not always home at 6 or 6:30, which means that I do not get my glimpse of the daily news. Other times I am preparing dinner and do not have a television near by. I am a bit of a news junkie and have a passion for history. Living through history is an amazing thing. When I do not catch the Nightly News, I go online. Tonight was one of those nights. However I became quite upset at the fact the the news is broken up. You watch a story and then a commerical loads up. Story, commerical, story, commercial. I realize that there is a need for advertising, but this has got to be the most irritating this ever. I am sure that it all evens out, but I was literally stuck. I could not "fast forward" through this. I wanted to watch the next story and 30 seconds is not enough time to do something around the house. Can someone help?

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