Monday, January 21, 2008

Notes from Florida

Before you ask, the answer is no. I somehow made it to Florida and did not have any oranges or grapefruit. The closest I got was having a lemon with my water. Here are some notes from my travels.

Thursday: I got off of work early. It was not very helpful as we made our plane, but apparently we were the last people to check-in. We didn’t have any major problems. Although our seats were separated and we had to quickly chow down our dinners, no one was “bumped” and we did not miss the plane. However, I do have to ask why is it that when you travel you must listen to the same repeated instructions? “Please have your photo ID and boarding pass ready” and “be sure to dispose of liquids, take your shoes and belts off, etc. It is extremely irritating and I don’t believe that it saves any significant time. I’m not real sure of metal detector technology, but haven’t they developed a highly efficient metal detector that can detect things in shoes? I mean I understand someone tried to blow up a plane by lighting his shoes on fire, but you would think that they would have improved “shoe bomb detection” technology.

After my venture through check-in and the security check point I decided on some fast food. As I was ordering my dinner, why did the guy at Quiznos look at me bewildered when I asked for water? His response was “Water in a cup?” No Einstein, I want to water on my head. Seriously he did not know what to do as if asking for water was a strange request

I rapidly ate my dinner and boarded the plane. I figure that I haven’t traveled since 2004, but I did not realize that things had changed. There are no more phones on board (maybe that is just an Air Tran thing), however they did have XM satellite on board!!! This is great considering all I (and by “I”, I mean my fiancĂ© and I) had was a portable DVD player to watch some stupid chick flick. She denied my request to watch the greatest television show on TV, Scrubs, season 4, so XM was just what I needed. As I have previously stated I am not a techno guru, and have not invested in either a Discman, MP3, or Ipod, and my semi-broken, old fashioned walkman is probably still in my parents house.

I have never listed to satellite radio. Unfortunately I did not have the pleasure of Howard Stern, but I did get to listen to Alfred Drake’s “What a beautiful morning” a 1940s classic. I also was able to have a joint with a refreshing Starbucks!!! No, marijuana and airline smoking laws have not changed. The joint is a reggae station on XM and Starbucks has their own station as well. Unfortunately there wasn’t a Penguins game and the Rhode Island game was not played, but there is a plethora of music, sports, and talk shows to listen to!!! Awesome.

We landed, rented a car, and made it to our destination without any problems. As for the rest of the trip, tune in tomorrow.

1 comment:

Sean said...

XM radio is the great thing about flying AirTran. Have you gone on JetBlue yet?