Monday, December 31, 2007

Things to look for in 2008

While so many journalists decide to reflect on the past year, I have decided to look at what is going to happen in the upcoming year. These aren’t zany predictions. This is simply a list of things to come, with a bit of commentary. So what changes are in store for ’08?

Let’s start in Houston:

School teachers in Texas will be fingerprinted. Why wasn’t this happening before?

If you are planning a trip to the strip club make sure you withdrawal more money. Strip club patrons will have to pay more to get in the door

In San Francisco:

The sale of spray coating products “that impair the reading of license plates by electronic devices” are illegal. I have never thought of doing this, but apparently it is a nice way to avoid getting caught by those pesky traffic cameras doing something naughty (to those with dirty minds I meant running a red lights, speeding, or illegally going through EZ Pass lanes). How does one determine how you are using these products? Since I am a novice at purchasing anything other than gasoline for my car, are these products sole use or can I find nifty ways around my house to use these products. Better yet can I use it at my place of employment? Maybe I can impair someone’s memory for some major capital gain or use it as some sort of black mail or torture device at work. I am a bit demented, but I am just kidding.

Brian Billick will need one of these tonight as he will drive past Steve Bisciotti’s, house either flipping him the bird, throwing toilet paper, smashing eggs against his car or attempting to throw a rock through his window.

Bicycle Illumination - a law requires bicyclists to use lights and reflectors while riding on a highway, sidewalk or bike path during darkness. Why in the world would you ride a bike without reflectors anyway? For those who do, you deserve to get hit.

Brittany Spears is going to get in a ton of trouble. Smoking with a minor Passenger is prohibited.


This of course leads me to Baltimore where smoking is also prohibited in bars. Just a friendly tip to tobacco farmers; it may be time to try growing other crops.

Other U.S. destinations

Be on the lookout for changes for an airline passenger bill of rights and new measures for the mortgage and lending industry.

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